Filmläger i USA

Till alla föräldrar som har döva/hörselskadade/teckenspråkiga barn i åldern 13 till 17!!!

De två senaste åren blev lägret en mycket stor succé här i USA!

Det är ett läger där ungdomarna får lära sig göra filmer, redigeringar och
mycket annat som tillkommer.

Nu har arrangörerna beslutat sig för att satsa internationellt! För första gången får även andra som inte bor i USA möjligheten att delta i lägret.
I synnerhet för svenskarna kan det vara intressant av flera olika orsaker:
1. Era barn lär sig göra filmer med professionell hjälp av fackfolket som är verksamma inom branschen! Det ger meriter!
2. Era barn lär sig ASL och engelska på köpet!

Efterfrågan är stort här i USA och det är trots den 8:e november som sista anmälningsdatum inte försent att anmäla Era barn! Bara ta kontakt med Stacy Lawrence. Mailadressen:

Kostnad: 1350 USD + 200 USD (anmälningsavgift som inte är återbetalningsbart) + resan från Sverige till Rochester, New York…
Så den totala kostnaden för lägret + anmälningsavgiften + flygresorna
blir ungefär 16 000 kronor per barn. Då tillkommer väl lite fickpengar…

Vänliga hälsningar
Stacy Lawrence genom Henrika Majer Lorentzon


Come to Camp Mark Seven and experience Deaf Film Camp at the exciting intersection of advanced technology and wondrous nature!

Tuition for the two week program at Camp Mark Seven is $1350.00 and a $200.00 non-refundable deposit is necessary once your application is submitted on November 8, 2014 at 12 PM EST. The rest of the balance is due by June 1, 2015.

This summer, Camp Mark Seven is hosting its third annual Deaf Film Camp from July 26 – August 7, 2015. The Deaf Film Camp is designed primarily for 13 – 16 year old aspiring young filmmakers, regardless of prior experience. For two weeks, each young filmmaker, mentored by Deaf experts, will write, produce, direct, and edit film in digital video format. This accelerated schedule will provide critical skills including accountability, creativity, and responsibility. Whether working independently or in collaboration with others, campers from last two summers have had consistently demonstrated they are capable of producing outstanding work!

The Deaf Film Camp dream team collectively has over 40 years of filmmaking experience. Many have received training from accredited programs and others have their own photography, production, and video animation businesses. These Deaf Film Camp dream team leaders are from the United States, Paris, London, and Cape Town, South Africa. The deaf young filmmakers have unlimited access to these mentors, who are able to guide them through the two-week fast paced program of project development.

Because of the feverish pace of this two-week program, each camper will expe rience and chronicle nature at its best with GoPro cameras during a multitude of activities in and around our stunning lakefront! Each weekday is split between morning in-class instruction, fun outdoor activities in the afternoon, and editing and telling stories at evening bonfires!

Through hands-on demonstrations and class playback discussions in the camp’s beautiful outdoor environment, the young filmmakers will learn camera movement and angles, film language, visual elements, and editing strategies working with Final Cut Pro, the most sophisticated film software available. Each young filmmaker will rotate through principal film crew positions, including director, in a series of films. The young filmmakers meet on a daily basis with their team leader to engage in script review and review pre-production plans.

One of the most exciting highlights from 2013 and 2014 that we must continue to create is our next music video! Each young filmmaker will have an opportunity to integrate an American Sign Language translation into a song, and master the art of dance choreography with the Deaf Film Camp dream team!
Check out our recent music project from July 2014!

Another tradition that the Deaf Film Camp is continuing is the Green Carpet Night on Thursday, August 6th! Campers’ final films will be showcased at the Strand Theatre in Old Forge, New York, and the parents always experience the sheer exhilaration of seeing campers’ completed projects and music video on the big screen with their families, and friends on the big night!

Register NOW for this unforgettable experience!

Go to and you will see a button/link for our registration through ActiveCamp.

Each young filmmaker will need to complete a personality survey and set up a video phone interview with Stacy Lawrence, Deaf Film Camp Director, from the 2014 – 2015 calendar on line at the time of registration.

Deaf Film Camp at Camp Mark Seven: July 26 – August 7, 2015.

Email Stacy Lawrence at if you have questions anytime! Thank you!

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